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fill out 意味

"fill out"の例文


  • {句動-1} : (空所{くうしょ}に)書き入れる、記入{きにゅう}する、書き込む
    An application must be filled out completely and filed with the office. 必要事項をすべてご記入の上、当事務所にお申し込みください。
    {句動-2} : (タイヤ?衣類{いるい}などを)膨らませる
    Since she gained weight, she really fills out her clothes. 彼女は太ってしまったので、洋服がパンパンだ。
    {句動-3} : (処方せんを)調合{ちょうごう}する
    Have a seat over there while I fill out your prescription. 処方せんを調合する間、そこに座っていてください。


  • how many of you had to fill out some sort of web form
  • how quick can you fill out the forms ?
    あんたが フォームに書き込むのを どれくらい早くやるかにかかってる
  • and probably , if i were to fill out jim citrin's scale
    ジム シトリンのスケールで考えれば
  • we have some forms to fill out . please .
    記入していただく書類が ございますので どうぞ。
  • then of course , you fill out the captcha
    それからもちろん captchaの入力をします
  • you'll want to fill out a report for your insurance .
    保険のために必要事項を 記入してもらうよ
  • then of course , you fill out the captcha
    それからもちろん CAPTCHAの入力をします
  • there he goes . now , art , did you fill out your envelope ?
    今夜のショーは 彼のおかげだ
  • just have a few more forms to fill out , then i'm taking off .
  • we also had students fill out surveys with questions like
    生徒にもアンケートを 取っています
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • become round, plump, or shapely; "The young woman is fleshing out"
    Synonyms: round, flesh out,

  • make bigger or better or more complete
    Synonyms: round out,

  • write all the required information onto a form; "fill out this questionnaire, please!"; "make out a form"
    Synonyms: complete, fill in, make out,

  • make fat or plump; "We will plump out that poor starving child"
    Synonyms: fatten, fat, flesh out, plump, plump out, fatten out, fatten up,

  • line or stuff with soft material; "pad a bra"
    Synonyms: pad,

  • supplement what is thought to be deficient; "He eked out his meager pay by giving private lessons"; "Braque eked out his collages with charcoal"
    Synonyms: eke out,

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